Bout Us.

Left to right; "Big" Mike, Myself, and Tuna at TempleCon 2013 Warwick RI.
Who are we? Well we are just a few old Micks with a passion for games, drinking, laughing, drinking, and enjoying ourselves oh and yes we like to have a drink or two.
For the past two years or so “Big” Mike, Charlie “Tuna”, and myself, have been meeting up a couple times a month to play various table top games, have a few drams and socialize. It really is all Mike’s idea and he deserves the credit for forming our little group. Our six years of playing World of Warcraft together (damn you Blizzard) in a very small and exclusive guild, made it easy for us to shift from a virtual gaming world into the real one of board games. Many of our old Guild mates occasionally join us in playing various table top games and we very much enjoy getting everyone together.
Now what can you expect from this paltry blog?
Well our goal is to centralize much of our collective knowledge on the main themes suggested in the title. I think Booze & Board Games pretty much says it all. There will be cocktail recipes, booze suggestions, Game day recaps, table top information, and suggestions for all the other geeks out there in the world. And let me tell you there are A LOT of them, hell you’re reading this so I am guessing you just may be one too.

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