Thursday, May 2, 2013

Name that Game!

I found myself pawing through a closet the other day and came across a boxed memory. The card board was a bit dingy and frayed, yet when I opened up this old game from way, way, back in time I found myself smiling. Many an hour I sat at tables bashing my childhood friends with this strategy game, a precursor to more advanced play later on. I learned the basics of artillery, position and terrain over the board and on many an evening I changed history completely.

Oh yeah bring it Billy!

I challenge you my board gaming friends to identify and name not only the game but so too its maker from the photos.

Birds eye view,

I am putting my money on Brian, to answer correctly as he has the most experience with this genre, but worry not my lighter fare players, for there are many clues within the pictures which will easily reveal the answers.

Zoom in folks.

Lastly there is a rather generous prize to be had by the winner of this small contest amongst friends, to be revealed upon properly identifying this tedious yet awesome game from the past. Submit your entries   in  comments below.

Please forgive my lack of photographic skills I'm rather tired and wee bit knackered at the moment.



  1. I can see by the date and confederate flag that its a civil war game. I uppose I could hit google for the answer but that seems like cheating. Instead I'll take a guess at the name: The War the South Still Holds a Grudge About.

    Or perhaps something more poetic like: The Blue and the Gray. Or just Gettysburg.

  2. Gettysburg... damn 1958... also damn you Mike

  3. If I had to guess it is probably something straight forward like "The Civil War". So I'll use that as my serious guess.

    For my less serious guess I'm going to say Settlers of Cataan: Civil War Edition.

  4. "Sherman's March", just because it was my favorite part of the Civil War.

  5. Remeber guys this is a two part question: Name of game AND its maker/publisher. I'm keeping this open till someone gets both :)

  6. Is it The Civil War made by Victory Games? I'm cheating a little here.

    1. Using the process of elimination Anthony? Anyway the answer is No, it is not a Victory Game. I'm amazed no one has got this yet.

  7. Avalon Hill made a bunch of a old war games.

    1. Ding! Mike is the first person to post both answers congrats! The game is named Gettysburg produced by Avalon Hill game co.

      As the winner you will receive a twelve pack of Bass ale bottles which if you have a bit of porter or Guinness you will be able to make classic Black & Tans.

      Good going all, I will be posting more of these mystery quizzes in the future Thanks for playing!!



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