Saturday, August 3, 2013

Back-to-back Game Saturdays

Week 1

Al, Tuna, and I (Mike) got together for game day at Al's house on July 27th. Games list:

1. Redshirts 
3. Risk

1. Redshirts was a bit confusing as the rules are a bit short and the concept of how to kill off your own people is tough. I managed to pull off a decent combo, finishing with a nearly un-blockable card to win.

2. D-Day Dice is one we haven't played since our first play at TempleCon. We seemed to pick it up again quickly. All seemed to be going well until we ignored the advice in the rule book to stock up on soldiers. Al died (which meant we all lost) but I only had 2 soldiers left myself. It's still a lot of fun and we'll hopefully play it again before another 6 month goes by.

3. We finally got Risk to the table after Al has carried it around to game day for 2 years. After some brushing up on the rules, we got started with Al taking Australia and working towards Africa. I took South America and Tuna was left in at tough spot in North America and Europe. Each us had at least one attack turn that didn't go well and a country held up under terrible odds. There was much swearing and some name calling. In the end, I cashed some cards in and was able to eliminate Tuna. I took his cards and was able to get another turn in. Al had a big lead with armies on the board but no card turn in for another round. We agreed to call the game a draw as neither of us would be able to quickly eliminate the other. If anyone has ever played a full game of Risk, you know how long it can drag on.

4. Thunderstone was going well until it got too dark outside to see the cards. We moved the game indoors. It would have been smarter to just collect up all of the cards, then move but we choose to put something under the board and carried it. Well, that didn't really work so well but we were able to sort of out the big pile of cards. It ended up being a close game and a late night. We didn't leave until around 10 PM.

We also looked at the schedule to see when the August game day might be. Turns out that the following Saturday worked well (at least for the three of us...).

Week 2

August 3rd, Tuna's house. Game list:

1. Small World started by adding in one of Tuna's new expansions, adding some new races and powers. The 6 sided die used in the game has 3 blank sides but rather than coming up 50% of the time, the blank sides come up about 90% of the time. This held true all game today. Things were going well until we added up the scores and it turned out Tuna cheated. He'll claim that he technically didn't cheat but every turn he was counting to 7 but giving himself 14 points. While he qualified for 14 points, not saying so (and being fully aware that Al and I didn't realize he was getting that many) made for a ridiculous ending.

2. Zombicide played out really well. We each took two characters. We stuck to the game plan and survived several tough situations. Tuna and I ended up taking two characters away from the group to draw them away. But thanks to a pair of rifles, a pair of machetes, a molotov cocktail, and a chainsaw, those two characters nearly survived all the way to the end. I'm definitely looking forward to the expansion stuff Al should be receiving soon.

We passed on playing a third game and instead took a road trip to a new comics/game store in Scarborough. It was awful, both the selection and the parking. Don't go. I won't even mention the name here.

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