Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Uncle Wiggly: Terror for Tots.

the game of Pedophile rabbits?

When I was a wee boy, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy, I was introduced to a game based upon a series of children's books called, Uncle Wiggly. To be completely honest I cannot recall fully all the various rules of the game itself, but what I do remember is that it was rather simple. The idea was to get old Uncle Wiggly through the magic forest to his home or, some other safe spot, were he could relax and have tea? Anyway, I played this on the living room floor of our small house with my Ma, brother, and sister. The bright hues of the plastic game pieces fascinated me, especially the dark green one which I always had to have. The cartoon images of the board made for an open and pleasing setting for young minds to absorb. I loved this game so much that my dear old Ma thought that the books would make me happy too. So she picked up a couple of old, ratty, volumes somewhere and proceeded to read the stories to us children each night before prayers (yes we did that). This is where a lifetime of trouble began.

Jesus Christ! he looks like he will eat me.

For within those volumes were black and white pen sketches of the famed rabbit hero, sketches that struck terror into the heart and caused me to fear large bunnies for the better part of my life. Rather than being a cute old bunny in a top hat, the prints cast Uncle Wiggly in a darker light. Drawn and deranged, I saw him as sickly and dangerous, with a maniacal  glint in his eyes. No matter how good or kind the stories tried to make that famous rabbit be, all was overshadowed by the cruelty of his visage. No more could I happily enjoy the magic forest or the shining game pieces. Ma would try and get me to sit down and play with soothing tones to her voice, but to no avail, I wanted nothing to do with that loathsome rabbit and his world.

I just peed a little!
The years passed and at about thirteen or fourteen I believed all the nonsense surrounding old Uncle Wiggly and fear inspiring rabbits was over. Thankfully Monty Python's Holy Grail was in the theaters then to inflame the dark phobia all again. Nothing like witnessing your own private nightmare come to life on a huge screen. Fucking rabbits! Add to this terror that other happy bunny film "Watership Down" I ask how could any of our generation NOT be afraid of these long eared rodents?

Yup foaming at the mouth and on the attack.
I digress, I am sure Uncle Wiggly made by Parker Brothers will be an awesome game for your children to play if you simply steer clear of the fearful books upon which they were based. You might also wish to explain that "Uncle Wiggly" isn't the same as their "Uncle Bobby" who is doing time in the Pen for being a little too friendly with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.  Whew got that off my chest.


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