Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sneaky goblins, terrifying merriod, and our intrepid heroes: The Battle for... Wheat?

Yes, this week's battle was over wheat. Apparently goblins cannot farm (genetic defect) and therefore must steal crops.

The Overlord (played by Al for the first time) may have a greater plan for the wheat but the heroes are just assuming that goblin anatomy makes them incapable of operating even the simplest of farm implements.

Avric bravely battles the rare plastic colored merriod. More common breeds are blue.

The battle was fairly even throughout. The merriod used Immobilize to good effect, letting an early goblin run away with a bundle of wheat. Jain Fairwood attempted to run down a second goblin. She managed to kill him and take his wheat but her escape path was blocked by reinforcements. Thankfully, a secret room was discovered and she escaped harm.

Brave Sir Robin (aka Jain) just before escaping into a hidden room

In the end, two wheat for the overlord, two for the heroes. Stay tuned to see what happens next, when the battle for wheat continues!

Widow Tarha transporting some wheat. Wheat being the cardboard token under the model.

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